Field Trips
Field trips are an important part of the RCS learning process. They are an integral part of our overall school program, enriching our science, history, and nature studies. Field trips vary each year and may be different for each class, depending on the class curriculum and interests of the students. Some of our favorite field trips have been: caroling at Eskaton Village, visiting our local creeks, the Salmon Hatchery, Folsom Zoo, B Street Theater, Effie Yeaw Nature Center, Maidu Indian Museum, The Mondavi Center, ropes course, Gold Country, and Washington, D.C.
Staying at Sutter's Fort was a highlight for our students during this particular school year. They had the unique opportunity to experience life as a pioneer in California in the 1840s. This was the perfect wrap-up to an extensive unit study on California history, allowing the lessons to come alive.
After arriving on a horse-pulled wagon, students spent the day rotating through stations and activities, eating dinner, enjoying music, and even taking turns on the night watch to "protect" the fort throughout the night.
Another favorite field trip is exploring the Marin Headlands through the Golden Gate Life Sciences and Ecology Program. Over several days and nights, the students are immersed in this remarkable coastal region, learning up close about the variety of ecosystems at play, how they connect, and the importance of conservation and understanding the human impact on our environment.
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